Saturday, January 19, 2013

Moustache Bash

Over the holidays we showered my daughter-in-love with moustaches and presents for baby Logan. It was a "mustache bash".....and a fine one I must say.

Lindsay baked some marvelous chocolate cake pops!


The "wet your whiskers" station.....

Choice of pops, cake, cupcakes.....

Hannah, Lindsay, Mandi, and Carly pose with the staches and bow ties....

Friends and relatives came to welcome Logan.....

You'll love this tip.....above we took a glass vase and covered it with moustache duck tape purchased at Hobby Lobby. It you match the pattern, it looks better.....

Mandi pictured with the sweet table....

At the sign in table we had photos on display.......

Sperry's were popular......

We look forward to meeting Logan next month....if not sooner....
Happy Labor Day, Mandi!


  1. Oh what fun! Lindsay's cake pops are impressive and the decorations are all so cute! I would never have thought to cover a vase with duck tape, but it looks perfect. Your DIL (love that you call her your daughter-in-love) is radiant. I wish her the very best. Enjoy your Sunday!


  2. Aloha Lynda! Thanks for stopping by!
    I've always wondered what's up with the mustaches and could never figure it out. So I'll ask you, what's up with the mustaches? :0)
    Oh and I really love the last pic. It speaks volumes!


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