Sunday, May 18, 2014

Treasures in Arcadia

I am missing Paris this week.

We have traveled the last 3 years to's difficult not to think of going this year.

After a trip to Moffitt Research center and a surgical husband and I treated ourselves to the Cheesecake Factory. I love the Luau is the best.  I ate half and brought the other half home. We stopped in le macaron for a take-home treat.

Salted carmel, chocolate, black current, vanilla, and raspberry. They had almost as many flavors as Ladauree. Oh gheez, I hope I spelled that correctly.

For the next photo, I had promised a view of my treasure from Acadia.
I thought about it today when I saw one like this for $96 on ebay. Of course, the one on ebay was a double decker, but really, this was a bargain for $25.

All the stamps work except one. You can tell these have really been used.

Thanks for dropping by. Leave me a comment or email me at
